Saturday, February 28, 2009

I am very excited about my summer job!
I'll be watching 2 boys who are going into the seventh grade. I met them and their parents yesterday. I can't wait! It should be a very interesting, no-stress, awesome job! One of the boys, Ryan I think his name is, plays saxophone. And the other one, Chris, plays... you guessed it... BASSOON! I literally jumped out of my chair with excitement when he told me that. Anyways, I'm really excited about it. All the details aren't worked out yet, but it's going to be really fun. I can tell me and "the boys" are going to be great friends. They're a little bit older than I was imagining, but you know, that just means I'm "babysitting" less and more just making sure nobody cuts his arm off. Oh, and their houses are REALLY nice. And one of them has a pool. So maybe I'll find my hidden love for water again. But probably not.
I knwo I've said this a billion times, but I'm really excited.  This is going to be something totally new for me AND the boys and their parents. They're used to being in daycare during the summer.

I learned how to cook scrambled eggs this morning! They weren't that good, but it's a work in progress.

I've also decided I want to have a pet that most people don't have. Like a pig or something. At some point in my life, I WILL have a pig... or something.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Alright, so in case you can't tell, I'm trying to keep up with my blog a little bit more often.  I just still haven't decided if I really want to update about my life or what on here. I wish I was the type of person that could post deep, philosophical epiphanies or something, but I'm not. I honestly don't think I'm that deep of a person and I haven't figured out if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Probably a little bit of both. So for now, I'll just update about the last few days of my life. This is going to end up being kind of long so I'll paraphrase each paragraph now, and you can choose what you want to read.

Exciting: Summer job
Funny: Sleep conversations
Exciting: LSU auditions

In the last post I mentioned a possible summer job. I didn't want to go into too much detail until it was final because I tend to spread the news of things too early and I end up disappointing myself even more when it doesn't happen. But I'll go into detail now :) Last week I started REALLY praying about a summer job opportunity. And I definitely was NOT expecting finding a job this early. But I did. At ABS, I was just sitting there talking to Lauren and Kristina and I heard Mrs. Angie say "Is anybody looking for a summer job?" and I immediately said "I am!" So long story short, Mr. Dave's boss is looking for kind of a "nanny" to look after two sixth grade boys this summer from 7:30-4:30. This is exactly the kind of job I had in mind! Well, not EXACTLY. I was envisioning an office just filing things, but this is better. Because now I can get pretty nice pay during the day, and also do the cow in the evening! I was waiting for Mr. Dave to email me with her information, but Mrs. Angie said that he already talked to his boss about it and she's really excited about me! I can't wait! It'll be nice to have some extra money this summer. Most of it will probably go into savings/thing I'll need for college. I think I'm going to start building the list of things I'll need now. Especially clothes. I borrow a lot of clothes from Mom and Morgan. Oh, btw, today is Morgan's birthday! She's 16! Scary! I knit her a scarf for her gift, but I lost one of my knitting needles and now I can't finish. :( I hope I find it soon. I was planning on knitting a lot on the way to Oklahoma. Maybe I'll go and buy a different size and toy around with those for a little while. We'll see. This ended up being a random train of thought. Oh well.

Friday night I left for Louisiana with my mom and we stopped at our really close family friend's house and stayed with her. Her and my mom are the very best of friends, so it's always awesome to just sit and listen to them talk like old friends. It makes me happy that Mom's happy when she's with her friends like Mindy and Kim. Anyways, so I went to bed at about 10:30. So I called Jon before I fell asleep, but he was in a movie and so he said he'd call me back. So I fell asleep. Around 3:00am I woke up again on my own because Jon hadn't called me back yet (or so I thought). I also have a rough night's sleep when Jon says he'll call and he doesn't. I worry that something happened to him. Anyways, so I grabbed my phone to see if maybe I had slept through it ringing (I had put it next to my pillow so I could feel it vibrate rather than putting it on the table next to me so I could hear it vibrate). But no missed call. So I was starting to get upset and I thought about calling him to make sure everything was okay. But I decided to check my Call Log before I called him at 3 in the morning and woke him up. Good thing I did, because he HAD called me at midnight. But I didn't sleep through the ring, I slept through the conversation!!! We had a 2 minute long conversation and I was sleep-talking the whole time. I didn't remember even waking up and answering the phone. I was kind of confused at 3am, but when I woke up six hours later, I realized I had been talking in my sleep. I've never done that before. Well, talking on the phone in my sleep. I've woken myself up from talking in my sleep. Hahahahah. I thought it was hilarious though.

Anyways, so the reason I was going up to Louisiana was for my School of Music audition. Basically, it went really really well. The bassoon professor REALLY liked me and he basically told me that I would get a full ride if I went there. Even though that's REALLY exciting, it makes me nervous and freak out kind of. I REALLY REALLY don't want to go to LSU. I mean, it wouldn't be that bad considering I wouldn't have to pay, but I just don't feel like that's where I belong. I just wouldn't be comfortable there. Yesterday on my way home from work I started crying and freaking out thinking about going to LSU. And everytime I think about it, I can feel my stress level rising and it's so hard to handle. So just pray that my OU audition will go that well. And for my nerves. sigh.

Everytime I work, there's always at least one little kid that's either a little bit afraid of me or one that absolutely loves me. And they're accompanied by his/her mother. And it always makes me really excited about being a mom someday. The love she shows to her child is just overwhelmingly amazing. I wish I could explain the way this one mother talks to her son. It's the cutest, sweetest thing I've ever seen. You can tell she's a good mom. And they come at least twice a month. I want to be just like her someday. I don't know who she is, but she's my role model. I hope I'll be a good, loving, encouraging mother.

Anyways, I think I've overwhelmed you enough for one day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today has been a very exciting day! And so much has gone on this week. It's crazy. I can go into more detail about everything later, but here's a brief overview.

My LSU auditions are this Saturday. And my OU auditions are Monday the 16th. I'm really nervous. But I've been emailing people at the OU School of Music a ton asking questions and stuff to get my name in the system. Hopefully that means I'll be more recognizable and get more money? We'll see.
OU loves me. Love = Money. At least that's how it should go down in my book. Because I really need scholarships.
I went to Calculus tutoring today and I finally understand what we've been learning this week. It is such a great feeling. I love it.
POSSIBLE summer job! It's perfect. I really hope it all works out. I'm definitely going to go into more detail about this later. I just don't want to act like I got it in the bag and then woops! no more job. :(
I've gotten a lot of knitting done this week. I'm excited.
Jon and I kind of had a rough last few days. Mostly yesterday. Miscommunication, misinterpretation. All that jazz that happens when you live a billion miles apart. BUT we talked it out and everything is up to snuff! I really hate it when we aren't on the same page. But luckily, we're both patient enough and understanding enough to let the little things go and work through the big things. I'm so lucky to have in my life.

And on a bigger note, I've begun to realize how my past has shaped me into the person I am today. And I'm finally starting embrace it and accept that it's a part of me.

I feel great.
God is good.
My letter jacket tail is true. "GOD PROVIDES"