Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who's Got Talent?

i've forgotten how much i love performing.

last night was the "Who's Got Talent?" Show at Cy-Fair. I was in it, playing piano and singing. I was EXTREMELY nervous before hand, but like always, once I was put in the spotlight, all nervousness vanished. I love performing. So so so so much. It really makes me miss all of the things I used to do that would put me on a stage. Piano lessons and dance recitals, mostly. I love just getting up and being the center of attention for just that one moment and not have to worry about feeling conceited. I just get up and do my best. And afterwards, everyone's always so encouraging. Man, I miss it so much.

Most of my friends at school don't read this blog, but if you happen to read it today, thanks so much for coming to the talent show if you came! And thanks for the billions of hugs from everybody!

After I performed, I went into the audience during intermission and all of my band friends were sitting by the door and they saw me and ALL of them got up and came and gave me a hug and told me how good I was. Which was extremely encouraging because that was teh first time most people at school had ever heard me sing. I received a lot of comments that were along the lines of "OH MY GOSH I had NO IDEA you had a voice like that!" and "Since when do you sing?!?!" etc. It made me feel really good about myself. And it doesn't even matter that I didn't even place, because I did my best and everybody loved me. Apparently I had a huge "fan base" there. hahaha.

I love my friends.

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