Thursday, March 18, 2010


I feel like I don't fit in anywhere.

I don't fit in with my high school friends anymore, because we're just all off in different directions and lost contact.
I don't fit in with my "church" friends, because I went the to the school that was farthest away so I never see any of them so I don't understand inside jokes or updates about life.
I don't fit in in at OU because everyone who's anyone is in a Sorority or Frat. I have no desire.
I don't fit in at any of the churches in Norman because they've all already made their cliques and circles and I feel like an intruder.
I don't fit in with Jon and his friends because they're all petroleum engineers, and I'm just a mere music education major.
I don't fit in with Jon because he doesn't really have the time for me, since getting a degree in PE is so time consuming.
I don't fit in with my family because my siblings are still young and immature and don't really want to spend time with me.

I'm just left out everywhere I go.

I feel like an orange trying to take up residence in an apple tree.


where the coffee is said...

hey, you may be far away and not understand ANY inside jokes i have with people, but you will ALWAYS fit in with me (although i know that does you little good when we are never together, but know that i love you, girl, and am here for you)
love and prayers!

Callie Hansen said...

I love your blog! I understand the sorority thing, it even consumes the music kids. Alex and I don't have a clique, and despite what people might think, we really don't mind people talking to us! We miss having friends to talk to. We starting going out so young are friends didn't know what to do with us and eventually lost contact. I'm sure you'll find your place, God is quite mysterious sometimes!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you're feeling like this. We always have our rap group! And yeah, McFarlin really doesn't have cliques within the college kids...of course, I only just met them. AND you could help with the little kids' choirs on Wednesday! Oh, and never say we are just "mere" music education majors. You know as well as I do (as the world should know) that our calling in life is vital in a student's life. Remember that just because we don't have to take the math classes and all that stuff, we're just as important and work just as hard. We put our whole selves into our work to be evaluated. Don't let anyone make you feel like you don't matter or aren't REALLY pursuing a degree because it's music. Anyway, have a great day!