Sunday, August 17, 2008

Time and Money, Money and Time.

I've been thinking alot lately. And I don't think I'm going to try out for the play at school. It wouldn't be fair to everybody else because I wouldn't be able to at all the rehearsals and I'm doing so many things that I wouldn't be able to be excellent at everything. And if I did do the play, honestly the activity that would suffer and be done poorly is the play. Plus, money situations in my family are really tight right now. So I'm not going to get much support from my dad when it comes time to pay for college. And I don't have much money saved up. So I really need to get a job. What sucks though is the only days I have free are Monday and Saturday. But hopefully next summer I'll be able to get a really good job and it'll make up for this year? I don't know. I'm starting to stress out about everything again. Mostly about college and how it's going to get paid for.
I'm having alot of trouble remembering that all of this is in God's control and that He'll provide for me and trusting Him.

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