Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Busy Bee!

The last few weeks have been insane!

Unfortunately, I can only remember the last few days. When I get stressed out, I tend to forget things that have happened. Haha. These are small examples, but for instance, when I audition for something, I can't remember how I played five minutes after I'm done. I just go on auto-pilot. So the last few weeks I have just been on auto-pilot the whole time.

But here are some quick updates:

  • I am ROCKING my classes! I mean, it's not as good as last semester when I had a 100 in Spanish and basically a high A in everything else. I'm afraid some of my grades will be borderline A, but I'm sure I can pull it off. ) BTW, I got a 98 on my Music in Cultures test. BOOM ROASTED!
  • I've been advised and planned out my schedule for next semester! 18 hours! I feel like that's a lot, but when I remember that right now I'm taking 17 hours, it puts me at ease. Oh and the best part about next semester is I won't have any class earlier than 8:30! I know 8:30 seems early to some, but this semester and last I've had 8:00 classes. No matter what you say, I believe that 30 minutes really makes a difference in how I sleep!
  • I really like the pieces I'm learning in piano right now. They're really pretty. My favorite is The Little Girls' Dance by Niels Gade. I've found all of my favorite pieces so far have been Romantic.
  • My roommate, Amy, is obsessed with the show Sex and The City. So of course, I am now hooked, too. I started watching halfway through the last season, then went back to the beginning, and now I'm watching the entire series from the beginning. This seems to be how I start watching all TV shows. That's how it happened with LOST, The Office, Gilmore Girls, etc. I always start watching at the end.
  • I feel like this seems dumb to be posting about, but things have been going REALLY WELL with Jon lately. It was tough at the beginning of last semester and this semester because we saw each other SO MUCH. It seemed like we were always fighting. But the last few weeks have been really great. I feel how I did when we first started dating, which is what I've been asking for all year. 
And finally, (and most importantly), I GOT A JOB!!! It's not super consistent, and it's not really convenient (in a way), but I LOVE IT. Jon's aunt (Cathy), who lives in Moore, called me last Friday and asked if I could start working at two of the golf courses where she works!  So I started the next day.
What is my job, you ask? Well let me tell you.

I'm the "Cart Girl." Basically, I drive the golf cart around and sell beer to old men. Ironic? I think so. I've never touched so much beer in my life. BUT the tips are AWESOME!!! And all the people that work there are really nice and feel like family already! It's weird, because I'm the youngest person who works there by about at least twenty years, but I feel like I fit in. 

So I won't be coming home as early as I thought for Spring Break because I'm working this weekend, but that's okay. I desperately need the money! I'm so excited about it!

1 comment:

Zach said...

That job sounds like a blast! I want to get paid and tipped to drive around on a golf cart! haha. That's awesome you got a job! :D