Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Love To Dance!

The Band Banquet for the Pride was last Saturday. Unfortunately, the weather caused the banquet to be cancelled. BUT school was cancelled Thursday and Friday! Woohoo!

So I was pretty bummed out that I was missing a chance to get dressed up and pretty and go to a nice event. And then told me the Engineers' Winter Ball is on Friday! That only gave me about five days to decide on a dress to wear. Oh, men, when will you ever learn that girls need AT LEAST two weeks to prepare for a dance/banquet?

So now Jon and I, our best-friends-to-be Ethan and Kaylie (and by best-friends-to-be I mean they will soon be Jon and mine's best friends. They're already dating), and Amy (roommate) and Taylor (her bf) are all going to the Ball! (It took some effort to convince Amy to go. But I'm excited she is!) I didn't really have a nice dress, so I borrowed one of Laney's, but it doesn't fit exactly right. So Amy and I (Amy doesn't have a dress, either) went to Target and Kohl's today to go Valentine's Day shopping, get an application to Kohl's (they aren't hiring. Bummer.) and possibly look at dresses. But as we pull up to Kohls we decide that we really don't feel like trying on any clothes. So we walk into the store and all these cute dresses are staring us in the face. So naturally, I try them on. THEY FIT ME PERFECTLY!!! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! So I bought one. IT'S SO HOTTTT!! I am so excited! I can't wait to dance!

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