Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I feel like I've posted a lot today.

I guess I'm just in the blogging mood because I have to keep up with a blog for my Teaching Techniques class. I have to blog about twice a week. And since I haven't done that AT ALL this semester, I need to write about eight blogs by Friday. I've already written two so far. Only at least six to go!

Anyways, I was taking an online survey and it was asking me things for just statistics (i.e. What is your age? What is your ethnicity? What country do you live in?) and one of the questions asked "What is your profession?" and it's multiple choice. I obviously put "Full-time Student," but there was an option that said "Full-time Parent, Homemaker."

That really pushed my buttons. You are not a "full-time parent" only if you're a stay-at-home mom. EVERY parent is a "full-time parent." Parents who work aren't "part-time parents!" If you have a child, you are his/her mother/father ALL THE TIME.


Mini-rant over.

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