Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Post? Say What?

Enjoy this rare occurrence.

Today I went to the college service. I really really enjoyed it. It was stuff I had been needing to hear. I kind of wish I could go more often, but seeing that I live more than 400 miles away, I know that can't happen. I just hope the college services up at school are like that. I like the small-enough-to-be-intimate-but-large-enough-so-it's-not-awkward-on-your-first-few-visits type of setting. Haha. And it was great to see everybody again! I've missed everyone so much.

After church, I came home and had lasagna with my family + Uncle Tom and Uncle Joe (who flew in from Nevada to be with Grandma). They've (including my mom) have been so dedicated to visiting her. I love my family so much. They go up to the hospital every single visiting hour. That's every two hours starting at 9 until 5. And then again at 8. Our whole family's schedule is revolving around those hours.

After lunch, I pretty much just hung out at home and watched TV and stuff. Not much going on.

Then at 6 (which was just after the 5:00 visiting hour) we all went to Del Pueblo's since there isn't any good Mexican food in Nevada. I got queso AND sopapillas! It was such a treat! Then we finished dinner in time to go to the 8:00 visiting hour. I went this time. It was the first time I'd gone to visit her. I held my composure until it was just Mom, Grandma, and me in the room. And then I started crying a lot. But only for a minute because I knew it was time to go. I'm pretty proud of myself. My sister barely lasted a minute in the room when she visited before she had to leave. Anyways, what's going on with my grandma is she had a MASSIVE heart attack on the 29th of December. She went to the hospital and she was moving around a lot and really distressed so they had to sedate her. So she's on a food tube, a breathing tube, and lots of other tubes. This morning they took her off of the sedatives but she's still out of it. When I went, she could hear us talking and she would kind of fidget and try to move her head and open her eyes a little bit. It was really heart breaking. But she's hanging in there. Hopefully she keeps improving. Tomorrow they're going to try to take the food tubes out. I hope she makes it. I really do.

After we visited Grandma (by we I mean Mom, Uncle Joe, Uncle Tom, and I) we visited Uncle Eddie, who is also in the hospital. He went to the emergency room today because he had a super high fever (above 101) and some other stuff. It looks like he might have to have surgery.

So basically, this has been a weekend of hospitals. Grandma's been in it, Uncle Eddie's in it now, and I'll be in it tomorrow (although it's the Oral Surgery section) getting my wisdom teeth out. Uncle Eddie said we'll have a pain killers party together.

All in all, it has been quite a day.
Maybe I'll update tomorrow, but it'll probably just be a bunch of mumbo jumbo gibberish stuff. Haha.

1 comment:

Zach said...

please post when you are sedated! :D