Monday, January 11, 2010


I forgot I wanted to update about some of the stuff that happened today.

I had my one week check up with my surgeon who took out my wisdom teeth. People have been telling me about this Syringe of Doom they had to do. I thought I just didn't have one. I do. I got it today. I have to stick the tip of the syringe INTO the holes in my mouth and flush out whatever is in there with water. I freaked out just watching the doctor do it to me in the mirror. I am not going to be able to do this. Which is why I love the convenience of having my boyfriend live a minute away at school. He is the best. I asked him if he'd do it for me so I wouldn't have to throw up every time I tried, and he said yes. Oh, my man is definitely a keeper. (:

I also got a knitting book at Barnes & Noble with mom today. I wish I had more time to knit.

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